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Character Profile

Name: Cantarella
Date of Birth:
Breed: Yellow Reaper
National Loyalty: Britain
Appearance: Yellow with white stripes
Special Abilities:
Status: Active


Cantarella was one of the unharnessed dragons recruited for Temeraire's regiment from the Pen Y Fan Breeding Grounds during Napoleon's invasion of Britain in December 1807. She seems to have been notable for her command abilities rather than her personal fighting prowess. Although Chalcedony and Gladius were chosen by the unharnessed Yellow Reapers as the best and most enthusiastic fighters to accompany Temeraire for what proved to be guerrilla warfare, it was Cantarella who was put in charge of the Reapers who stayed behind with the main force and given an epaulette to mark her rank.

During the Battle of Shoeburyness in March 1808, Temeraire reminded Chalcedony that it was his duty as an officer to keep the other Reapers in position. Chalcedony rather cravenly pointed out that it was Cantarella who had the epaulette. Cantarella promptly took full advantage of this remark, hitching her epaulette forward and swearing that she would not let the Reapers go afield again.

Cantarella was the mother of the egg that became Tharunka. Temeraire commented, when it was stolen, that he'd never be able to look her in the face again if he couldn't rescue the egg.