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Character Profile[edit]

Name: Kefentse
Date of Birth:
Breed: Unknown
Captain: None
National Loyalty: Tswana Kingdom
Appearance: Reddish with a double row of patterned spikes; ivory tusks in his upper lip; approximately 15 - 20 tons in weight.
Special Abilities:


William Laurence and Temeraire first encounter Kefentse in Africa looking for the mushroom that is believed to cure the dragon plague. He attacks them and the group believes him a feral dragon, though one of impressive size.

However, later, the group finds large amounts of the mushroom growing in a cave and it becomes apparent that it has been cultivated. Kefentse appears again, but as the dragons have gone to bring the mushroom to the ships, only the human crew members are left to fight with him. They are dismayed when more dragons along with riders appear to assist him, as he is not feral at all.

The dragons and riders are apparently angry at the British for taking the mushroom which was rightfully theirs. Josiah Erasmus attempts to speak to the men, but is stabbed. Only his wife, Hannah Erasmus is able to converse with the dragon. Later, he calls her by her given name, Lethabo, and says that he is her great-grandfather (meaning an elder of her tribe).

When the dragons fly them inland, away from Lily's formation's protection, Laurence and the other British captains pin their hopes of surviving their capture, on Mrs. Erasmus being able to convince Kefentse to release them. Though he is reluctant to do so, blaming them for stealing his kinswoman from her rightful home.

He speaks of being out and coming home to his village to find it in ruins with the people lying dead. He searched for his people until got to the ocean and knew they had been taken. Those that were too old or too young for the voyage were killed so that they could not tell Kefentse where or who had taken the others.

Kefentse allows Hannah to "escape" with the British aviators so that she can go retrieve her children. She then tells Laurence that she intends to stay with him in Africa and raise her children there. Kefentse is very happy to be reunited with more of his "family."