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Volly and James

Character Profile

Name: Volatilus
Date of Birth:
Breed: Greyling
Captain: Langford James
National Loyalty: Britain
Appearance: Small; pale grey with white markings on his belly and wings; blue eyes
Special Abilities:
Status: Active


Volatilus (somewhat incorrect Latin for 'flying' or 'rapid') was usually known simply as "Volly." Greylings were very fast fliers and were thus used as couriers and lookouts. Volatilus was bred for great speed, and while this result was achieved, it seemed Volly lost much in terms of intelligence. Volly was therefore described as "simple," but he was very affectionate towards his captain.

Volly and James commonly delivered mail to all the British coverts, and even brought news to Laurence when he was on the HMS Allegiance transport ship. James boasted that Volly could remain aloft for an hour in good weather by beating his wings only once. A 14-hour flight would not be unusual for them.

Being a smaller dragon, Volly was usually given sheep and goats to eat - it was a treat for him to have an entire cow to himself. Temeraire offered Volly a cow on their first meeting on Madeira, and ever after that Volly associated "Temrer" (his pronunciation of Temeraire's name) with cows.

Volly was taken ill during the Dragon Plague and transmitted the plague to Temeraire during the news stop on the Allegiance in February 1806. However, after the cure was brought back to Britain, Volly was returned to full health except for a bit of scarring around his nostrils and a slightly raspy voice. He proudly told Temeraire that he had sired an egg of his own, which he expected to hatch in "Novembrer" 1807.