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Digby slipping from Temeraire's back during the escape from Topkapi Palace. (c) Anke Eissmann

Character Profile[edit]

Name: Digby
Date of Birth: c. 1793
Service: Aerial Corps
Rank: Midshipman
Nationality: British
Billets: Loch Laggan covert, Temeraire


Digby was one of Temeraire's lookouts, a resourceful young fellow. When the British were attempting to stop a French convoy from reaching Le Havre and Laurence was engaged in a hand-to-hand fight with a French lieutenant on the base of Temeraire's neck, Digby knocked the Frenchman out by striking him from behind with a piece of round-shot on a measuring cord.

Despite his youth, he was one of the ten crew members chosen to accompany Temeraire and Laurence to Peking, along with Granby, Keynes, Riggs, Therrows, Hackley, Dunne, Blythe, Martin and Willoughby. (Emily Roland and Peter Dyer also went, on George Staunton's advice. As they were children, they were not counted against the limit of ten set by Prince Yongxing.)

Although Digby was normally the steadiest of the ensigns, at least once he had to be chided by Granby for trying to make a pet of the feral dragon Molnar by saving choice bits of meat for him.

Digby was promoted from ensign to midwingman during the crew's stay in Istanbul. He was killed while Temeraire, Laurence and the crew were escaping from the Sultan's palace with the three dragon eggs owed the British. Digby had been put in charge of the smallest egg, an Alaman. When it began to slip free from Temeraire's back, he tried to catch hold of it. Instead, both he and the unhatched dragonet fell to their deaths.