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Character Profile

Name: Excidium
Date of Birth: c. 1725
Breed: Longwing
Captain: Jane Roland
National Loyalty: Britain
Appearance: Blue with black/white/orange wing tips
Special Abilities: Acid spitter
Status: Active


Excidium (Latin for 'destruction') is a Longwing with 80 years of experience. His sire was Gentius.

Excidium's current captain, Jane Roland, is probably at least his third. As she explained to Laurence, captains breed themselves as much as dragons are bred with the intent their children become the dragon's captain upon their deaths, and the dragon will have a captain that "shares their pain."

Emily Roland, who served as a member of Temeraire's crew, was to be Excidium's captain after Jane's death. It's not unlikely that Emily's maternal grandmother was Excidium's captain before Jane.

Excidium participated in the Battle of the Nile and Battle of Trafalgar. He became the flag-dragon of the Channel Division when Jane was promoted to Admiral of the Dover covert, following Obversaria's death in the Dragon Plague in 1806 and Admiral Lenton's reassignment to the quieter Edinburgh covert.

Excidium and Jane were in Britain at the time of Napoleon's invasion in December 1807 and led the Aerial Corps against the French troops. When Temeraire negotiated ranks and epaulettes for both the unharnessed and harnessed dragons, Excidium received a pair of epaulettes, marking him as holding the rank of Commander.