Lady Arikawa

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Character Profile

Name: Lady Arikawa
Date of Birth: Unknown
Breed: Unknown Japanese breed
Captain: Kaneko Hiromasa (companion)
National Loyalty: Japan
Appearance: Middle-weight; grey hide; wide, green, cat-like, glowing eyes
Special Abilities: Unknown
Status: Alive


Lady Arikawa is a female dragon of an unknown, middle-weight Japanese breed, compared by William Laurence to the Fleur-de-Nuit.

A Japanese noble of some standing, Lady Arikawa preceded over the interrogation of William Laurence, and later, the manhunt of Laurence and Junichiro. Laurence also noted that Lady Arikawa was dressed in "curious, pale green silken dressings" the same color as her eyes, which "coming loose made graceful arcs around its body like sails spilling their wind". Later on, Laurence noticed that these dressings were drawn tight around her for flight, serving as a harness, while the silk material was "bordered with innumerable small gems".

However, Lady Arikawa did not carry any men aboard her, save for Kaneko Hiromasa.

Laurence also noticed that Lady Arikawa seemed to have a smaller dragon attendant, a "brilliant yellow beast larger than a Winchester though not up to combat-weight", of an unknown Japanese breed. Her dragon attendant could carry four men, including Matsudaira.

Lady Arikawa could speak both Japanese and Chinese, as observed by Laurence. She also proved quite possessive of Kaneko Hiromasa, her companion, not unlike Temeraire proved of Laurence.