Lady Kiyomizu

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Character Profile

Name: Lady Kiyomizu, or "Kiyo"
Date of Birth:
Breed: Sui Riu
Captain: None
National Loyalty: Japan
Appearance: Boulder-sized; dark greenish-black, with short, stubby wings; large, pallid grey eyes
Special Abilities: Water spitter
Status: Alive


Lady Kiyomizu, or "Kiyo" to William Laurence, is a smaller Sui-Riu dragon. She is called a "river dragon" by Junichiro, as Kiyo is much smaller than her oceanic counterparts due to living in a river.

First mistaken to be a male dragon by Laurence, Kiyo discovers Laurence and Junichiro while both men are on the run from Japanese forces. Inviting them into the temple where she resides, Kiyo fed Laurence and Junichiro in exchange for English poetry by Shakespeare, recited by Laurence and translated into Japanese by Junichiro.

After speaking Japanese to Junichiro, and then to Laurence in Chinese, Kiyo knows at least both Japanese and Chinese. Due to this, it is suspected that Kiyo may be as old as Lord Jinai, or at least four hundred years old.