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Dragon Breed Data

Breed Name: Longwing
National Loyalty: Britian
Physical Characteristics: Blue with very long wings; yellow-orange eyes
Special Abilities: Acid spitter
Known Members: Lily, Excidium, Mortiferus

Species Notes

According to Sir Edward Howe, the Longwings' ancestor was the Sharpspitter, a small, low-flying English breed and the Ironwing, a Russian breed.

Longwings were traditionally very picky about their captains. Sometime around the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, it was discovered that they took to female captains more readily, so by the early 1800s, women were trained in the Aerial Corps specifically for Longwing service.

Unlike the French Flamme-de-Gloire, Longwings are nearly impossible to decoy. This is because of their exceptionally long wings (hence the name) which are typically around 120 feet long, while their bodies are about 60 feet long. As a result, British aviators must learn strict formation flying designed to support the Longwing in battle.