Talk:Aerial Corps

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Can anyone recall any specific place(s) in the books that discuss(es) the details of the Aerial Corps uniforms beyond "bottle green" and "uses bars"? I just reread the first book, and there's nothing but that; before I go speeding through the other books I figured I'd ask here. I'm preparing to build a model of a RAC dragon in combat, and I need to determine the best miniatures to use for the crews. Thanks. Jason 00:05, 24 August 2009 (PDT)

I really can't, unfortunately! I'm looking forward to seeing photos of your model, though! -whitearrow 09:05, 27 August 2009 (PDT)
I can't either. I don't think there are any more uniform details in the other books. Maybe some in book two where Laurence's coat gets ruined, but I think most of the description is about the new Chinese style coat he ends up with. I think your best bet would be looking at actual Napoleonic era British uniforms and taking the bits you like best. This page has Naval and Marine uniforms and they look pretty close to each other: Uniforms link I want to see the result too. Make sure you come back and post pics here! --Mooir 19:55, 28 August 2009 (PDT)
Naomi Novik described the uniform in a recent chat. Definitely a good model for the "dress" uniform would be the Royal Navy only with the coat in bottle-green cloth, although I think aviators have pretty much ditched the knee-breeches entirely a little ahead of the rest of society. And in the air I generally envision a kind of leather overcoat very much like the dusters of early pilots circa WWI, with leather gauntlets and goggles -- a bit like an RN captain wearing oilcloth in a storm, practical gear. Is anyone an artist? Could we do a sketch? -- Strangerface 08:09, 16 August 2010 (PDT)