TemeraireWiki:Help Wanted

From TemeraireWiki
Revision as of 23:20, 21 October 2006 by Whitearrow (talk | contribs)

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Hi! We're glad you're here. For basic information about how to help us start writing and editing articles, visit Getting Started. Here are a few areas in which we could use special assistance:

-- CSS/HTML web designer. Can you help us spiffy up the front page? Other pages? Make us some nifty templates?

-- Artists. Do you draw fan art? We'd love to have artwork with our articles! We could also use some custom maps.

-- Historical map/image researchers: We need a person or two who can help us find relevant public domain images or maps we can use, from Wikimedia commons and elsewhere. If you like 19th century things and poking around the Internet, this may be a perfect job for you. (It does require knowing the difference between public domain and copyrighted material, though.)

-- Help us help others! Our help system is in serious need of some. It doesn't require a Wiki expert. Mostly, this will involve porting over relevant material from MetaWiki, making the examples relevant, and taking out material that doesn't apply to our particular Wiki.

-- History buffs. We could use a few good history buffs, especially people interested in the Napoleonic Wars, the Age of Sail, geography, and 19th century China, to write and contribute non-dragon related articles and parts of articles.

Contact Whitearrow if you're interested!