Water spitter

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The only known breed with the ability to spit water is the Siu Riu, a Japanese Breed. The Siu Riu can swallow large amounts of water, store it inside their body, and then expel the water later in violent gusts--an ability that made the dragon legendary as the bringer of thunderstorms. Obviously, the dragon cannot summom a thunderstorm, but the Siu Riu is particularly useful when battling a fire-breathing dragon. The Siu Riu's special ability also give it great practical use as a firefighter. The dragon's body swells to three times its size. The colour becomes lighter and the skin thinner. They can talk and walk when they are full of water but their voice sounds somehow gurgling. The Sui-Riu can heaten the swallowed water, afterwards their breath smells like tar. They aren't capable of flying (of course the water would be much too heavy) but whether they can breath under water or hold on their breath very long.

Maybe the water spitters were the ancestors of the Fire breathers. The water spitters can heaten their water, importent for fire, and they can spit out their water, also important for fire breathers. That implicates that water spitting must be a very very old ability (see Vici's mother who lived before year 0 and was a fire breather without being bred).

See also[edit]

  • Xiao Sheng who turned into a water spitter after the legend.